Thursday, November 12, 2015


Did you enjoy Veteran's Day? Are you ready to get back to class?
Next Wednesday we will be doing microwave dyeing.  Bring the silk you received and divided and we will dye that.  If you have silk scarves or other silk fabric pieces you may bring those to dye also.  We will only have dye for silk fibers.

 These are pieces of silk chiffon which were dyed in a class.  The way you tie, twist and fold the fabric gives you the different patterns.  The process is really easy and fun to do.

 All these scarves were microwave dyed.  So if you have some bring them.
If you have extra time I will also have the Seta Color for sun prints and the Seta Silk to continue painting on the first project if you haven't finished that yet.  See you WEDNESDAY.

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