Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Houston Report

These are some of the silk chiffons dyed in my "Twist and Shout" class in Houston at the Quilt Festival. Believe me they; were shouting with delight. The colors were so great. While I was there I taught 8 classes and everyone was a different subject. I shipped 7 boxes out, but only 3 home again so it was all good. Now I am almost back to normal. Claremont class will be one more class next Wednesday when we will print with our prepared screens. Then no more classes until we start sewing in January. Wednesday January 4, 2012 to be exact. Here is the link for registration. Winter Brochure: Online Registration: We had a great day today. If you did the class "Quilted Canvas" bring in your paintings we will be hanging our own show at the Hughes Center next Wednesday. That is exciting! I will post again next Sunday evening with any more information I may have forgotten. I am doing a trunk show for ASG in Riverside tomorrow so I have to pack it up now and get ready to go.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Diane! I was in your silk dying class and spoke with you about coming to San Francisco to teach in early August, following your family reunion. I've lost your business card,and hope you will contact me at Sincerely, Christine Tanabe San Francisco Chapter, Embroiderer's Guild of America, Inc.
