But look what's happening when we return on the 26th.
We will be doing some felting on silk chiffon. This scarf looks really great, and is easy to do.
Here are the supplies to bring and make your own, while it is still scarf weather.
Felted Chiffon Scarves Diane Ricks
Silk chiffon (hand dyed preferred) 3/4 to 1 yard
Wool roving
Sewing Machine
Shirring foot for sewing machine, sometimes called gathering foot
Thread to match chiffon
Clover felting tool and felting brush or block of poly foam
Felting Foot or Embellishing Machine (Optional, but makes everything faster and tighter)
Sheet plastic. pieces of string. and panty hose legs
Old pillowcase
Spray bottle
Don't bring these to class, use them at home
Clothes Dryer
2 or 3 tennis balls or tightly rolled socks
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