We are off for two weeks. Enjoy the Holidays, I know I will.
Thank you all for the card filled with love and money. What a surprise. I love you all and am so blessed to be your class leader. I hesitate to say teacher; because you all help me with the teaching by sharing your multiplicity of talents.
When we return on January 5 we will be doing Speciality Threads. Here is a bit more information about what to bring.
I will be gone most of the two weeks and may not get back to the blog so enjoy the pictures and get ready for some fun.
Upside and Backwards
Things to bring:
Sewing machine, with a darning or free-motion foot
Needles: 80 or 90 Universal, 80 or 90 metallic needles,
100 topstitch needle, 80 or 90 embroidery needle (optional)
small screwdriver to loosen tension screw on bobbin case or extra bobbin case
Embroidery hoop that fits under your presser foot. Wood, plastic, or spring hoop ok
15” square fabric sandwich. Top fabric (silk, or cotton), batting (any kind okay), backing white or light colored cotton preferred
white or beige thread to match the backing.. fabric
3-4 empty bobbins
large eye hand sewing needle
# 2 pencil
You will receive :
Specialty fabrics for technique samples
Threads for making samples
Wash away stabilizers for samples (different kinds for different techniques)
Jewels, sequins, etc.
Many of the specialty threads are too large for the needle, but you can sew upside down and use them in the bobbin. Don’t be afraid to adjust the tension on your bobbin case or invest in another bobbin case so you don’t have to mess with the tension on your regular bobbin case. Just remember “righty tighty and lefty loosey”